Friday, March 9, 2012

50+ Future Godly Wife Goals

1. Learn when to be silent (???)
2. Learn when to wait
3. Learn to be patient
4. Learn when to be bold
5. Learn when to offer an opinion and how... and when not to
5.25 HAVE an opinion, don't frustrate him by saying, "I don't care" and then saying you don't like any of HIS suggestions.
5.5 Learn to let him talk, to not interrupt, so as to not imply I don't care what he thinks.
5.75 To not cause him to think that I think he's not smart enough to figure things out without my input
6. Learn to listen to his heart instead of reacting to his words
6.5 BEFORE I allow my pride and emotions to react, learn how to repeat back to him how I interpreted what he said, so that he can either agree, or clarify his intent
7. Don't be quick to react on emotion but pray
8. Remember the enemy wants to dissuade me
9. Remember the enemy wants to dissuade him
10. Remember the enemy wants to steal, kill and destroy
11. To be supportive in the way he needs - not how I think he needs
12. To not be critical, but grateful/thankful
13. To be encouraging
13.5 To love him in the ways that he needs to be loved and not how I need to be loved (his love language)
13.75 to make him feel desirable and know he's all I could ever want and more
14. To not be controlling, but trust him and trust that God knows in advance whatever situation we are in and however he was going to react to it - and that God will work it out (Rom8:28)
14.5 To remember that my husband needs my respect and trust more than my solutions
15. I don't have to control everything - and control is the enemy's lie anyway - only God has control
16. To always remember it is better to build up (keep/maintain/not lose) the relationship than to be right
17. There is a time and place for everything
18. Choose my battles and wars...
19. Remember that he and I are on the same team, if I "feel" otherwise it is the enemy's lie
20. To never use the word divorce
21. To not go to bed upset, but agree to disagree
22. To not allow my "day" to keep me from giving myself to him at night
23. To turn to God if I "feel" overloooked, neglected or misunderstood... Because ultimately He's the one who gets it and He can fill that need and help me understand a misunderstanding between us
24. Remembering its not always balanced
25. Remembering it IS about serving
26. Remembering it IS NOT about me but about God and what God wants to do thru me (loving him thru me)
27. To stay receptive to God so I can see him thru God's eyes
28. To keep my walk with God consistent, solid, and strong so the enemy doesn't have as many vulnerabilities to mess with me emotionally as a wife
29. To be his playmate
30. To be his best friend
31. To help him know how important, loved, and respected he is
32. To help him know how desirable he is and how no other man can compare in that area
33. To work as a partner towards our vision of life together and not be a hindrance
34. To pray for him daily (as I already do)
34.5 To pray together
35. To support him in his endeavors and not stifle his dreams and desires
36. To figure out how to be incompatibly compatible
37. To compromise
38. To sacrifice - is sacrifice such a big deal if it keeps the relationship in good standing?
39. To let him lead
40. To submit to his leadership and decisions
41. To keep a united front and our struggles between us & or a counselor... So as to not have family members unfairly biased
42. To do what we have to do, in creativity or craziness to keep the romance and closeness no matter what kind of schedules we have.
43. To do the small things.
44. To stay in shape and be a partner he can be proud of with "the guys"
45. To stay fit so that our love life can be... Well... Interesting.
46. To not become a woman w/ a honey-do list but to continue to do things myself - it is his choice to join me or take over the tasks I start
47. I like a good debate - but to learn when to bite my tongue and end it
47.5 Save our "heated discussions" for in private and never speak disrespectfully or in a way that would embarrass him in front of others
48. To learn to cook more... and better?
49. To have a shared financial vision - so as to support instead of hinder our goals.
50. To always remember we're a team - in it together - even though we don't always communicate well - that's what growth is all about
50.1 Be affectionate/never withhold in anger
50.2 Give him his space or time alone he needs

Ladies, know your strengths and weaknesses. Read Proverbs 31 in the bible - that woman is like superwoman - but actually, she is each of us, we all have her in us, it's not about DOING, but about being all that God intends us to be. Putting God before ourselves.

There is too much divorce in the world and there is too much divorce in the christian community. God hates divorce, I hate divorce, I am divorced, my parents are divorced. I don't ever want to go through that again, but I do want to be married...because I love God and I believe two can get more done than one and two can protect one another.

More on divorce at:

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