About Me

I'm the one God loves!!! (You are too!)

Hi there!

I'm just a woman, the girl-next-door. One who has overcome many life challenges.

I embrace the identity my Father has ingrained in me. He doesn't want me to view myself as damaged goods, or as a victim, but as his daughter, an overcomer!

I love God. He's my Dad, constant companion, counselor, savior, defender, protector and I can't live without Him.

I want to encourage YOU to break out of your comfort zone, explore, experience, question, be curious, and consider the possibilities.

Most of all make time to be still, hear from Jesus and surrender to Him.
You don't have to BE anything, stop striving, everything you are is already within you.

I love my life. It's a progression of being molded by God.

Life is 365 GREAT adventures a year!

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