Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Getting Lost in God...

Just spent an evening at an 1800's themed amusement park. It has foods, crafts, shows, rides and at Christmas about 50 miles of lights. It's so fun to experience.  It's easy to get lost in the slower world of that time...

I am finding that to truly abide in God, to rest in Him, you really have to take the time to slow down.

Because if you are rushing, you're trying to make something happen, to meet a deadline, you have just taken a burden onto your own shoulders and it all falls on YOU and you have cut God out of the equation. Until you make that deadline and then you take a breath, pause and realize you totally ran off on your own without God, not including Him, hoping He was staying with you...without your asking...per se.

He's always with you.
"I will never leave nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
God's promises are unlike any human promise that could ever cross your ears or that you could dream of. Humans are fallible. They promise, stuff happens, they break it. Humans don't know what's around the corner, they can try as they might, but they don't control all things. God can. He knows what's around the corner. He says it, He means it.

I am making it a priority to make time where I am still, listening and not trying to create busyness or noise around me so that I don't have to face the depths of my soul from which He is revealing things to me. I am trying to listen more because I want to be what He created me to be... I love Him, so I want to please Him... As often the case when in love. This is like no other...

Consider God - who is after your heart - and try to pace yourself and give Him more listen to what He has to say to you in the stillness of your heart. Oh how He loves you (and me).

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