Monday, December 23, 2013

What are YOU thinking about?

Think about what you're thinking about. Do you ever do that? Really?

Thoughts --> Emotions --> Actions

Knowing and Doing are two different things.

Aren't they?

You may KNOW it, but not do it because of an emotional disconnect that influences your actions in a different direction. Our emotions drive us more than we realize.

So you KNOW something.

But then EMOTION enters.

Now a decision must be made!

Do you do what you FEEL based on your emotions...

Or do you do the right thing which may go against what you're feeling is fair in that moment?

THAT is the crossroad. 

The  next time you come to this crossroad YOU CAN CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY and begin getting different results in your life.


Renew your mind. 

Say what?

Here is a suggestion... Start reading God's Word and let His Word renew, refresh, and rejuvenate your mind.

This process puts RIGHT THOUGHTS in your head
...which drives your emotions
...which influences your actions.

So even if you FEEL like doing what you want... your mind renewal will drive you towards what you should be doing.

It all starts in your thinking.

What are YOU thinking about today?

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