Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What's Holding YOU back?

You have a gift.

You have a calling on your life to use your gift.

You will find the most joy and peace when you use this gift.

When you aren't using your gift, but are doing something else that you may be good at, but that is not your true gifting, you will be dissatisfied.

Just because you're good in one area doesn't mean it's the BEST thing for you to do.

Good is not BEST.

Are you running from what God has for you?
Do you fear some part of it that appears to involve rejection?
Are you too concerned with what others think?
Do you fear failure?
Do you have to have a plan A, B, & C, and just fear the unknowns?

Do you hear the word FEAR repeated over and over here?

The phrase FEAR NOT is used over 300 times in the bible. Don't allow the enemy to use fear to keep you from the GREAT ways God wants to use you.

The more the enemy comes against you, trying to hold you back, that's proof that God has GREAT ways He wants to use you, for you to influence, for you to affect change and touch lives...  The enemy wants to stop you before you even get started


God has a plan. He always does. How long will it be before you fulfill His plan for YOUR life???
When will you stop getting in His way and completely surrender?
  • Surrender the past.
  • Surrender the future.
  • Surrender the present.
  • Surrender the unknowns.
  • Surrender the rejection and fear.
  • Surrender all - so that you have NOTHING left to lose. 
THAT is when He can truly use you. When you can stand firm in FULL surrender.

God is the hand and you are the glove. Stay flexible and He will reach through you to touch lives.

And you can't EVEN begin to imagine how many He wants to touch through YOU!!!

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