Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Health...Do You Believe the Lie that You Don't Need to Invest In It?

Actually your health does equal dollars... just as time is money. 

What is health?  Is it what you see or how you feel?

Or is it the balance of what's going on inside of you that you can't necessarily measure?

If your body is out of whack and unbalanced because of what YOU put into it...

God gave you the body, it's your responsibility and choice what you put into it.

Let's talk physical health for a minute.

Your body becomes vulnerable when unbalanced

An acidic body is like a car with oil that hasn't been changed in 10 years and is as thick as sludge instead of thin and lubricating the parts as intended. 

In a society of processed, preserved, pesticide treated foods, we don't get 40% of the nutrients we need - IF - we have a GOOD diet.

Imagine how deficient someone is who has a POOR diet?

Your physical balance begins in your digestive tract.

50% of what you eat should be raw (uncooked/unprocessed).

It is possible to get all of what you need from fruits and vegetables (the real ones... not processed in any manner). THAT is where you get your balance and get back on track. You CAN get protein from vegetables... it's just not well socialized.

Because, you see, there is "no money" in HEALTH, the REAL money is in sickness.

  • doctors don't heal
  • surgery doesn't heal
  • drugs don't heal
  • the body heals itself as it was designed
  • and the Ultimate Healer is God
If your body is out of whack and unbalanced because of what YOU put into it...

God gave you the body, it's your responsibility and choice what you put into it.

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