God will put pieces before you at times and if you are willing and if you are listening and your "receiver" is tuned in, you can put the pieces together in order to get what is BEST for you. He will allow you to choose good. But hopes you'll choose BEST. You get to choose.
Sometimes He'll paint the a full picture and show you what is to be and if you walk in faith and you know His character, then you know He will make it come to pass. You may not have a clue HOW, but you trust that it will and you're WILLING to play whatever part is necessary.
God knows what is BEST for you even better than you do. You will delude yourself. You will set a logical path that requires a certain number of steps to attain a specific goal...
But you might do so thinking it's the right thing, when it's unbalanced and actually a way to avoid rewarding aspects of life that God has for each of us.
Why would you avoid something rewarding?
Because reward requires risk and at some point you may have tried to go down that road and the risk didn't pay off and you got hurt and now it's easier to cut out that part of your life and focus on this other path.
He knows you better than you do. He has MORE for you than you can ever imagine.
At one point my back hurt, I asked the doctor, can't we just cut that part out?
That was my simplified solution. (I was joking when I said it, by the way.)
When something hurts, I want to compartmentalize and I just want to close it off and move on... It's "cleaner" that way... more efficient.
But God wants to bring that thing out of the depths of your heart, bring it into the light, examine it, let it dry out so it's not so raw, rub some of his ointment on it and heal that thing... that thing that hurts so much. It's not appealing, but it's effective. And if you want to be complete in Him, you have to give it ALL to Him. Including the hurts.
He risked it for YOU. Why wouldn't you risk, the reward of a the full life He has for you, when He's got your back???
The quote "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" This varies from person to person and from male to female. But the fact is we've all failed at something and we've all been hurt. What part of our life are we blocking God from that keeps us from having the truly balanced and well-rounded life that He intends for all of us?
Whatever your "thing" is that you're blocking God from... I BET your rationale is full of excuses that God is perfectly able to overcome... (Trust me, they ARE excuses.) If only you would be willing. He's so amazing like that.
In your well-rounded life, you not only receive the gifts HE WANTS you to have... but you become even more of a blessing to others through that experience with Him.
Consider what part of your life you've compartmented off and consider letting God do "His thang" with it... Let go and Let Him... See what happens.
God has never asked someone to do something and then let Him down. God can be trusted.
Sometimes He'll paint the a full picture and show you what is to be and if you walk in faith and you know His character, then you know He will make it come to pass. You may not have a clue HOW, but you trust that it will and you're WILLING to play whatever part is necessary.
God knows what is BEST for you even better than you do. You will delude yourself. You will set a logical path that requires a certain number of steps to attain a specific goal...
But you might do so thinking it's the right thing, when it's unbalanced and actually a way to avoid rewarding aspects of life that God has for each of us.
Why would you avoid something rewarding?
Because reward requires risk and at some point you may have tried to go down that road and the risk didn't pay off and you got hurt and now it's easier to cut out that part of your life and focus on this other path.
He knows you better than you do. He has MORE for you than you can ever imagine.
At one point my back hurt, I asked the doctor, can't we just cut that part out?
That was my simplified solution. (I was joking when I said it, by the way.)
When something hurts, I want to compartmentalize and I just want to close it off and move on... It's "cleaner" that way... more efficient.
But God wants to bring that thing out of the depths of your heart, bring it into the light, examine it, let it dry out so it's not so raw, rub some of his ointment on it and heal that thing... that thing that hurts so much. It's not appealing, but it's effective. And if you want to be complete in Him, you have to give it ALL to Him. Including the hurts.
- God deals in childhood hurts
- adulthood hurts
- ones that occur in the intimacy of marriage
- those that occur in war zones
- those in the workplace
- those within the circle of family
- ...you name it, He deals in it. Those are ALL His specialties...
He risked it for YOU. Why wouldn't you risk, the reward of a the full life He has for you, when He's got your back???
The quote "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" This varies from person to person and from male to female. But the fact is we've all failed at something and we've all been hurt. What part of our life are we blocking God from that keeps us from having the truly balanced and well-rounded life that He intends for all of us?
Whatever your "thing" is that you're blocking God from... I BET your rationale is full of excuses that God is perfectly able to overcome... (Trust me, they ARE excuses.) If only you would be willing. He's so amazing like that.
In your well-rounded life, you not only receive the gifts HE WANTS you to have... but you become even more of a blessing to others through that experience with Him.
Consider what part of your life you've compartmented off and consider letting God do "His thang" with it... Let go and Let Him... See what happens.
God has never asked someone to do something and then let Him down. God can be trusted.
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