Saturday, November 7, 2009

Depression & Pity - How to Beat It

I'd like to qualify this by saying it is against my religion to participate in abortion, recession and depression. I serve a God, THEE God that promises never to forsake me and that He will meet all my needs (NEEDS), physical and spiritual. He is a loving and awesome God that accepts me as I am but loves me enough not to leave me that way.

I am amazed at how quickly the darkness can move in from just an arm’s length away. All it takes is a little busyness to keep me out of the Word, and then some down time to be “on my own”…out of the Word… Then add some knee pain for "no reason"… Then maybe remind me that I’m way behind in my project and deadlines loom… Now I’m feeling real good about myself and my handicap because it’s hard to even walk around the house…. And the voices begin… And as I see the darkness (aka depression) looming… I remember that depression begins with deception.  And I've never had to fight this fight as much as this past year (2009).

I have found a few remedies for any kind of darkness or pity.

1. The Word. Usually when I’m really down, I’m not wanting the word, but when I realize I’m down because I’m deceived, and that I should be in the Word whether I want to or not (because truth is not relative to feelings). All it takes is a few lines of Truth to cut through the darkness and deception.

2. Christian Friends. When Christian friends step in, they represent and reflect the light. When they enter into your darkness, you can’t ignore their light. You don’t have to like it initially, but if they are persistent, they will cut through your deceptions, you will see the truth and begin to embrace it again for yourself. Their light shines in your darkness.

3. Get up, get dressed, do your hair and makeup because when feeling down, bad, pitiful or whatever, it’s just not as easy when you look goooooooooooood. Because in looking good, you are cutting through some of Satan’s lies about your self-worth. ;) It’s not foolproof, I’m not saying people that look good, feel good, but it is ONE step in that direction.

3.5 Now force yourself to smile. Just because you feel "down" doesn't mean you have to look it. Put that smile on your face, force it, realize how silly you look and laugh at your craziness for smiling even though you don't feel it, cuz ya look silly! BUT if you do it long enough, there will grow a lightness in your Spirit. That smile reflects a joy that comes from your Father in heaven and YOUR HOPE, NOT from your circumstances or the lies from Satan rolling around in your head.

4. Leave the house. To sit at home and not leave is conducive for depression or feeling bad. You want to be a hermit, be alone, be pitiful. And when you re-enter the world with everyone else, even mingling with strangers in Walmart or the grocery store, you are forced to cross paths with other people who also have problems and maybe even to ponder that they just might have it worse than you (get your mind off of yourself). You are forced out of your focus on YOU by going out into the world. If you want a friend be a friend. The BEST way to break out of self pity and feeling sorry for yourself is to help someone else. So just GO and DO! Even for a stranger. Satan hates that and if there's anything you need to be doing in this fight, it's NOT giving in to HIM.

5. Listen to the Word thru teachers on TV, on CD or in music… Because Satan hates Christian music! He hates praise to God. Especially from us. Our minds cannot hold dark thoughts (anything not representative of God) and praise to God (focus on spiritual things) at the same time. Let the music permeate your heart and spirit. Sing along. Speak back to your feelings with Truth!

6. Know that your Father in heaven says "For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope". Jeremiah 29:11

The bible tells us how to think in order to keep the dark thoughts away...and it's not just to keep them away but to fill yourself up with the right thoughts, "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Phiippians 4:8

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10  God does not intend for you to be depressed. He intends for you to enjoy his gifts of peace, joy, and hope. To rest in His assurances and love. But you have to play your role, you are not a victim, you do not have a passive role in this. You have to konw the enemy, know how he works in order to fend off His attacks. If you think this is just something out of the blue that comes on you becuase you deserve it - YOU'RE WRONG!!!

An empty mind will fill with anything, an unguarded mind will tend towards the negative, a consciously programmed and guarded mind will be filled with the things that YOU choose!!! Fill it with the Word, avoid negative talk, focus on positive talk, and take control of your thoughts.

Have a great day, Friends! It is your choice. No matter your circumstances.

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