Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Losing A Job & Paralyzing Fear

I have a friend who just lost a contract job and cannot collect unemployment.  She is a single Mom with two kids.  She's scared.  I think this is a common theme these days with our economy.

She and I talked for awhile and sorted out her mindset, how she is approaching the job hunt, what she is willing to consider, and things that are limiting her focus.  What was revealed is that she is putting limitations on God.  Not willing to fully trust God with everything.  To include her children.  I think she THINKS she does, but in having to put faith in action, I think it is showing her where she's actually been at in this area.

We discovered that she felt in her heart that this job opportunity was going to come to an end about 6 months ago, but she liked the job so much that she didn't start looking before now.  And even when she lost the job, she was only looking for work that was in her narrowly focused field AND that would allow her to pick up and drop off her kids from school.  Both are requirements that limit the available opportunities and they limit God.

In this economy, we as a people have to be creative in our job hunting approach, to what we have to offer a position and to what we will consider doing.  For the sake of survival, sometimes we have to accept an in-between job until we can maneuver into a more "ideal" job.  Survival is survival. 

There are two BIG things I want to address.  One is that it is all about attitude.  The second is that this is a prime scenario for spiritual attack.

God is your employer, if you lose your job, you go back to work the next day, stand outside the gate and ask God where your next assignment is?  Then thank him for the next job that he is going to reveal to you and ask him to help you learn and grow in the areas that you need while you are waiting for that next job.

Job hunting is a job in and of itself.  It is an art and it requires strategy.  There is a LOT to learn about how to get a job.  From tailoring your resume to each job and it's needs, to learning how to write your resume in a manner that highlights your strengths (no matter how unique they are), to what job websites are available, to what human resources are available to you...  For more jobs have been gotten in this world, through networking with people, than on the internet.  For you might have a friend, who has a friend, who knows of a job in your field or with your specialty.  People are great resources, if you are holing up only applying on the internet, you are just another number. 

And if things are dire, consider something as an in-between to get some income generated. 
What can you sell on craigslist? 
What kind of knowledge do you have to offer that you could tutor or help others? 
Do YOU know how to write a good resume?  Offer that service for a fee on craigslist!  Get creative. 

And if you are able, if the opportunity presents itself, move to where the jobs ARE available.

There are always options.  We just don't always like the options before us.  If you get so attached to one option that once it is ruled out you THINK you no longer have options.  That is YOUR fault.  What is keeping you from considering all of the options before you?  Pride?  Fear?  Lack of confidence?  A narrow vision for your future?  Open up your mind to the possibilities.  Think outside of the box.  Consider what you've never considered and all of a sudden you have options.

The other thing I wanted to talk about is spiritual warfare.  There is nothing like a dark valley for Satan to have all kinds of opportunity to remind you of how hopeless you should feel. 
Because the appearance of your situation is the truth right? 
Circumstances are permanent things, right? 
If it feels like it is a bottomless pit with no hope, it is, right? 
Because that's what Satan wants you to believe.  His BIG FAT LIES.  He is a liar and a deceiver.

All he has to do is orchestrate a situation around you that preys on a fear, vulnerabilitiy, insecurity or whatever in your life and you take that and run with it.  He doesn't have to do much, you'll help him plenty.

Why not walk through the valley of darkness while praising God.  God is still good and awesome even in our tough times. 
Or is he only good when things are going good for us? 

No, he's still good even when things are tough...so there is nothing untruthful about praising God's goodness during our low points.  His goodness is true, it is consistent and it is unchanging.  So no matter how our circumstances change, we can and should praise Him.

Satan wants you to think God isn't coming through.  But what is MORE likely is that God has the next job lined up, he just hasn't given you the start date yet.  Thank him for that job that you don't know about yet.  Thank him for the last job and thank him for his provision in between.  Things might get tight, your life won't likely follow the "plan" that you had in place, but there is very little that can happen to you that you can recover from...  if you are a healthy, able adult, the key is being willing to do what you need to do to get a job. 

Satan wants you trapped in His lies about your life.  He wants you in fear because of how things appear (would you be as afraid if you knew about the job God was going to provide next month?)  He wants you negative and blaming others for your situation (have you NO responsibility in this?)  He wants you distanced from God. 

We as a people need to focus on the Truth.  If we could get people focused consistently on God's Truths, how much happier would people be as a whole? There are people in third world countries who are poverty stricken and struggling, but who are joyful and happy because they have LIFE.  They choose joy in the middle of their circumstances.

If you have to go through something, would you honestly feel better going through it mad and negative, or joyful and thankful? 

Which mindset lightens your heart more and gives you a better quality of life??? 

In our country, I find that more often than not, OUR circumstances are like a roller coaster, with a lot of ups and downs, changing regularly.  If you attach your identity or you happiness to your circumstances, instead of the one unchanging thing in existence, God, then you are building your house on sand and just waiting for a hurricane to wash it away and you are in for disappointment...regularly.

1. Define the LIES you are believing in your life
2. Define what God's word says is true
3. Choose to focus on and believe the TRUTH
4. Praise God no matter what
5. Be thankful, no matter what (because it can ALWAYS be worse)
6. By doing these things, you are radically reducing Satan's ability to affect your life
7. By doing these things, you can embrace God's gifts of peace & joy despite your circumstances
8. Speak what is not as though it is and it will be.
If you and I are standing on a mountain top in the bright of day, it is obvious I am there with you and all is well.
If we are in a dark valley, it is not as apparent.
But if you know me, and if you trust me, and if I said I will always be with you, then even though you can't see me, you know I am there.

THAT is God.

Get to know what His promises to you are and and stand firm in them.  For He is AWESOME and faithful!!!

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