Thursday, October 8, 2009

Neeeeeegaaaaaaaatiiiiiiiiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiity (Negativity)

You know, there isn't a darn thing good about negativity.

I pulled the following definitions from for a bit of insight into this attitude and mindset that so many fall prey to.

  • expressing or containing negation or denial
  • expressing refusal to do something
  • lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness
  • being without rewards, results, or effectiveness
  • measured or proceeding in the direction opposite to that which is considered as positive
  • indicating a point in a circuit that has a lower potential than that of another point, the current flowing from the point of higher potential to the point of lower potential
  • responding in a direction away from the stimulus
  • a negative statement, answer, word, gesture
  • a person or number of persons arguing against a resolution, statement
  • disadvantage; drawback
  • Indicating opposition or resistance
  • Unpleasant; disagreeable
  • Gloomy; pessimistic
  • Unfavorable or detrimental
  • Something that lacks all positive, affirmative, or encouraging features; an element that is the counterpoint of the positive
  • An image in which the light areas of the object rendered appear dark and the dark areas appear light
There are a few in that list that I find revealing.

Being negative results in expressing refusal to do something.  I believe the bible defines that as rebellion and self-centeredness...  Disobedience.  All things that are not conducive to a solid relationship with God - which happens to be a POSITIVE thing.

Being negative is lacking in constructiveness, helpfulness, optimism, cooperativeness...would YOU want to spend time around someone like that?

Being negative  means being without rewards, results, or effectiveness (fun life, eh?)

(I love this next one)

Negativity is indicating a point in a circuit that has a lower potential than that of another point, the current flowing from the point of higher potential to the point of lower potential. 

Soooooooooooo in reference to life, is it not easier to fall from focusing on the positive to being negative?  Is that not our nature in moments of weakness, when we AREN'T leaning on God?  It's the path of least resistance.  If you are consumed by negativity, is Satan going to try to stop you from that mindset?  No.  You're helping HIS team.  If you choose to focus on the postitive, that's when you begin to upset things for himIt does NOT suit Satan's cause for you to direct your attitude, mindset or life in a positive direction.  That would be moving from a point of lower potential to one of higher potential, from a negative point, to a more positive point.

(This one is awesome!)

Negatvitity is responding in a direction away from the stimulus.  WOW, THAT mindset is going to result in a fabulously rewarding life!!!!  (Not.) 

Being negative is a person or number of persons arguing against a resolution, statement. 
I'll admit this has been me at times.  Although my intent is not usually to be negative, I find that when others are trying to make a case for something they want to do, they focus so much on the pros, that they overlook the cons, so I try to play (I HATE TO CALL IT THIS) devil's advocate.  A suitable phrase.  I try to view the cons.  I don't do this to dissuade someone from a decision, but so that they can be aware of issues that can arise and be physically and mentally prepared for them.  Unfortunately, there ARE times I go a bit overboard in this area and my pride gets involved and my intentions aren't quite as innocent.  And it annoys the heck out of the people around me.
My hope is that my closer and more consistent walk with God will help me to tone this down.  Let Him speak more through me and less for myself (which is what happens when my pride jumps in).

There is nothing beneficial about negativity. 

It doesn't empower.  Strengthen.  Build up.  Promote circumstances for opportunity or positive potential (you would have to move in the opposite direction to embrace THAT). 

It has the ILLUSION of making you feel good TEMPORARILY, it "feels" like a safe place because it "feels" like there is no risk invovled and you are "protected".  The illusion of protection here is actually just blocking ALL THINGS, good and bad.  If you don't step out, you won't experience anything bad...nor will you experience anything good.  Is that truly the kind of protection you want?  Satan doesn't mention that part when he's trying to sell it to you
Based on everything we've read here, the negative mindset is not going to try to take risk or step out and try new things that could result in positive rewarding experiences.  Negativity doesn't allow for feeling GOOD, being thankful, making the most of what you have, or HOPE or FAITH.  Because negativity doesn't believe in those things, nor does it support them.  It is a drain, like the power draining from a laptop that is not plugged in, it sucks the life out of you and BAM, you have nothing left to draw strength from and you give up. 
But what if you were positive?  What if you were thankful?  What if you had faith and hope for a better tomorrow, or a better next year?  Or a YOU who is changing, evolving, growing and being a better you ONE day at a time?  What about being that positive person that views opportunities as a way to embrace life's possibilities, as opposed to the negative person who fears them, draws back from them and won't consider them????
Who is going to have a more rewarding life?  Which person do YOU want to be???
You can be the most broke person in the world, but you have SOMETHING that you can be thankful for...
Your bank account (or lack of), your debt accumulation, your job title, your fitness level, your age, your gender, your race, your nationality, these things do not define you, though you may ALLOW them to.
God says you are valuable and chosen (those things are entirely disconnected from your temporary and ever changing circumstances).
God says that you are loved and that he loves you dearly. 
If you still have breath you still have purpose.  None of us is here on accident.  God has a plan for your life. And you are exactly where you are supposed to be, in your life, at this moment.
 When we are negative, we are inviting Satan in to work in our life.  Are we not?  We are making him welcome because that is an atmosphere he can work in.  When we are negative, we close the door to God to work because negativity as defined by the dictionary is "Indicating opposition or resistance".  God has to have permission to reside within us and to work in our life.  He even needs permission to protect us from negative destructive dark forces that can surround us.  We have to ASK.  Being positive, receptive, agreeable and seeking God's help, doesn't that sound like an environment in which God can work?
We have freewill.  The present is a gift.  How you use it is your choice, but you have no one to blame for your own attitude or outlook.  It is YOUR personal choice, wherever you are, under whatever circumstances....
Choose to find the good.  Fight negativity...that is sooooooooooooo easy.  Anyone can be negative.  We live in Satan's domain, he thrives on chaos, he orchestrates all kind of negative events around us all the giving in to his "influences" we're surrendering to him.  Choose to be positive  God's word.  And surrender to God, the one who loves you, knows the desires of your heart and wants what's best for Him...invite Him into your life...make your life one that God would want to reside in and spend time with you...
Create an environment around you in which Satan finds it difficult to work and in which his lies and deception are revealed because you focus on and surround yourself with the Truth.

But don't think you can do this alone.  It's not just making up your mind, you have GOT to have God's help...we don't have the strength to tackle something like this ON OUR OWN, for ever long.  Our strength will run out.  His is neverending.  Let Him strengthen you and work through you...
Just think about who you are surrendering to by being negative...who are you inviting in...
God or Satan?
Who benefits by your negativity...
Or even your negative moments...
I'm not saying we never get down...but don't let it strangle you and take over your life.
I have gotten to where I can see it when it's happening and nip it in the bud before it gets a foothold in my life.  I do that by redirecting my focus, on purpose, back to the positive... but mostly surrendering to God right there in that moment and asking for his protection from negative thoughts and negative forces.

The majority of the time, when I am negative, I am in rebellion and being stubborn...those are also not attitudes that seek help to get out of a "hole".  So beware and be AWARE of how you are and what you are going through and address it...don't let it just take take control it IT!
And find three things in each day that you are thankful for.

I was sick today and still have no energy and am going to bed early.  

What are your three?
What three good things were in my day today?
  1. I am well rested and was forced to slow down 
  2. I spent today paying more attention to how much I am drinking and the types of things I am eating so my body has the best chance to bounce back and my nutritional decisions are not the reason is is not functioning efficiently at the moment
  3. As I was resting today, I spent a lot of time with my dogs and since I am on the go a lot, that was nice

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