Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Fun Cartoon - And a Note about Programming

I wanted to offer the link below for your enjoyment.

Joyful Toons

We are what we program ourselves with.
What goes in, must come out.


What do you want to come out (verbally)? :)

We can only control so much of our circumstances and some things require discipline and a decision on our own part. Personally, I find that when I have worked in environments where others are cursing around me (I work in male-dominated fields), when I hear something often, it will end up coming out of my own mouth. It's almost like my mind rationalizes that since that is what it hears so much and since that is what it is being programmed with, then it's ok to keep the cycle going by sending it out of my own mouth.

I had to consciously make the decision to not cuss. I made a decision that I would do 10 pushups each time I cussed and I told those around me. (I was tired that first day and had to start saving them up because I couldn't do them all at once.) The men I worked with found great joy in holding me accountable and making sure I was doing my pushups. After about three days, I was a lot stronger and no longer cussing.

What I also noticed was that the men around me had begun to censor themeslves. I didn't ask them to. They simply were responding to my behavior. They saw me holding myself to a higher standard and adopted it for themselves (at least in my presence). I never showed offense at their behavior, I didn't give them a hard time, but by changing my own actions, they reacted in kind. I didn't do it for them though, I did it for my own self-respect.

Ok, that was totally off the point....

I was trying to make the point that what goes in, must come out...whether in comics (the link above), the things we read (books/magazines), the websites we peruse, the music we listen to, the TV shows or movies we watch, the events we attend, the conversations we have, the people we spend the most time with and just the content in general that we allow to go into our eyes, ears, minds and hearts... It is all programming.

Who do you want to be and what are you programming yourself with in support of that goal?

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