Saturday, October 3, 2009

Life on the Christian Pedestal

Someone tried to "call me out" on Facebook, concerning my association with being a christian.

This person has witnessed me, on and off, behaving poorly, under lengthy overwhelming circumstances across the past 10 months. (I had been inconsistent in my daily walk with God - I thought I had things under control and was handling it myself.) The man who "called me out" is not a believer. While I have a feeling his comment may have been sarcastic or joking, whether he meant it or not, it struck a chord with me. And if what he says, is truly how he views me, then I haven't been living my life in the way that I believe. I have been wrapped up in myself and my circumstances and that never reflects God or his love.

I am reminded of how we, as christians are placed onto a pedestal by those who don't believe. We are being watched, we are examples, we are supposed to be different. If we aren't, why should they cross over to being a believer if life is the same on both sides of the fence?

BUT Life IS the same on both sides of the fence. The difference is that those of us who maintain (key word) our relationship with God, have an added strength beyond our own, we have hope and an additional resilience, we have the benefit of, through God's loving us first, seeing others through his eyes and having compassion. By remembering, that we don't deserve God's love, forgivness or understanding, likewise, since we DID receive it, others should be allowed that opportunity as well... No matter their behavior. WE are not the judge. God is.

We are only responsible for our own actions and our own relationship with God.

This man's intentions towards me are not the issue, there was some truth in his comment. He hasn't seen God consistently in my actions. So to him, I'm not a christian, I'm just like him. Obviously he doesn't understand the complete picture, but in his world, at his level of understanding, I'm not what I say I am from what he can "see". The point is that he revealed to me what I am showing him and possibly others and that needs to change. If I want to reflect God to others, I need to walk more consistently with Him.

We are what we program ourselves with. If we program ourselves with busyness and tasks, instead of God's word or quiet talks with him, if we listen to secular instead of christian music, if we never fellowship with Believers, but are wrapped up at work (possibly with a lot of non-believers) with secular influences and conversations all around us... It is inevitable that we will distance ourselves from God and not reflect his countenance on a daily basis...


  1. When we say we believe, those who don't, tend to put us on a pedestal.
  2. We ARE supposed to be different just by what God does IN us through our daily walk with Him.
  3. When we aren't walking closely with God, allowing Him to reflect through us (our words, actions, countenance), then we may as well be just like non-believers.
  4. God is the judge, we are only responsible for our own actions, our words, our walk with God and our own belief.
  5. We can't do it on our own.
  6. While we can't please all the people all of the time, we as christians aren't perfect and someone who is argumentative can find fault in ANY christian, but within our own hearts, we should know whether or not we are walking in sync with God's Word and His Spirit. THAT is our responsibility.
~Jesus, thank you for your gentle prodding that reminds us of whose we are and who we are, for in this earthly realm, it is so easy to be self-centered, and I want to be focused on YOU, not me. And as a reflection of that, I want others to know you through me. My weakness only gives you Glory when I lean on you. That is my daily goal. I love you, Jesus. Amen.

The man who made the Facebook comment, wrote me back the next day and said that he was just joking. I had a feeling he would do that, but it doesn't matter because God used the situation for me to do some self-reflection on whether or not I AM who I want to be or who I tihnk I my everday actions. God Bless!

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