Friday, October 2, 2009

Relationship Book Recommendations

First I want to start out by recommending a few books... for men AND for women. Whether you believe in or have a relationship with God or not, the following two books should be read by all men and women, to include being taught at the high school level.

"For Women Only" By Shaunti Feldhahn
"For Men Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn (co-written with husband Jeff)

Both sexes can gain a great deal from reading both books. I don't care who you are, it is hard to explain what you want, need or feel, to another person when you don't fully understand what you feel or why. If your feelings, needs or desires confuse you or you think you shouldn't feel them, it helps to gain better insight into yourself. As a human. As a man or woman. There are things we all think, feel or go through that are similar. We can learn from the experiences of others and gain a sense of validation. That, "Hey, I'm ok", or "it's ok thatI feel that way". A feeling is never wrong, it is always justified to "feel" something, but how we act on that feeling is where our responsibility lies. And when others say they "feel" a certain way, how we treat their revelation or how we respond to it can either build a relationship or friendship with that person or completely crush them (unknowingly).

Getting to that point is invaluable. The point of real understanding, first about who you are, and accepting that, and second, with better understanding others.

We all have baggage, but we all follow a common theme through life.

A few other books I recommend are:

"Wild At Heart - Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul" by John Eldredge
"Captivating - Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" by John & Stasi Eldredge

I spent some time in Iraq and "Wild at Heart" was given to me by a man who told me that if I want to better understand men, I needed to read that book. He said that it helped him to understand himself. The "demands" and "expectations" and distorted stereotypes that are placed on men by society, the media, misguided people and men themselves and even the church... men can't live up to that and it's unfair. This book helps sort that out and help men redefine their purpose and who they are meant to be. It also helps them to realize that from a very young age, they have always needed their "Question" to be answered.

"Do I have what it takes?"

If that question is not answered appropriately by a man's father, at the right time, he searches for the answer his entire life. And no amount of money, success, women, or things can answer it...

"Captivating" or the shorter version "Your Captivating Heart", help women sort out the same issues.

Our "Question" is, "Am I lovely, am I worth fighting for?"

And more often than not, our question is either ignored or not answered as we need it to be. But no man can answer it for us. We will never find the answer in our husbands, boyfriends, children, careers, money or things... Those will never be enough. We also fight a daily battle everyday in the world of being compared and we feel that we always fall short. We feel that we need to be more. Those are lies. We don't realize that we were born with what we need to be who we were meant to be, but if we are blinded to that fact, we can't embrace it.

Check out this book to find out how you can embrace the beauty that you are. I don't care if you are a tomboy, rich, poor, successful in business, successful as a stay at home Mom, a glamorous woman, a busy woman, and older or younger woman... We are all little girls on the inside and THAT is where it all begins. Don't miss the fact that your inner beauty, being at rest, having peace, is what makes you glow and beautiful on the outside...not perfect hair, makeup or a perfect figure. For it is often out "striving and busyness" that mar the beauty that we were created with. See what this book has to say... It's quite revealing... And it tells you "How". It doesn't tell you that you have to DO anything, you just have to BE. How? Read it, you'll find out.

And if you want to get to know God better try the following:

"The Sacred Romance" By Brent Curtis & John Eldredge

This book helped me address the hole inside that nothing can fill. It helped me to see the bigger picture of life and more about what God's personality is all about.

"More Than a Carpenter" By Josh McDowell

This book helped me reaffirm my belief in the reality and truth of scripture, the bible isn't just a history book about things that happened to other people a long time ago, it applies today. The logic that the author applies to what many deem as blind faith is irrefutable. It's quite revealing. Give it a try. And remember when you are genuinely seeking, questioning is never a bad thing, but just don't let it stop your faith. For it wouldn't be faith if you knew it all.

So I will continue this later, but I wanted to get it started. Because much of what I say or reflect on will be from these books because these books stirred up a lot of thought within me as I reflect on my own life.

Have a GREAT day!

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