Thursday, March 1, 2012

Need To Be Reminded of Your Significance? This is for YOU!

These verses inspired me to be GREAT for God today...

I'll explain further down in the blog...
  • The Lord called me before my before my birth, he called me by name from within the womb.
  • He made my words of judgment sharp as a sword.
  • He has hidden me in the shadow of His hand. I am like a sharp arrow in his quiver.
  • You will bring me glory - He says.
  • But my work all seems so useless! I have spent my strength  for nothing and to no purpose at all. Yet I leave it all in the Lord's hand; I will trust God for my reward.
  • The Lord has honored me and my God has given me strength.
  • You will do more than restore..I will make you a will bring salvation to the ends of the earth.
Isaiah 49:1-6 Paraphrased 
Friend in Christ,

Your Creator knows you, loves you and has a special name just for you that existed before your physical body did. You are honed into a tool that is sharp - so use your words wisely, don't abuse that gift that was intended to speak truth and to build up others.

Your Creator holds you in the palm of His hand and nothing passes through your life without being filtered through his fingers of love. There is purpose in everything. You are the glove, He is the hand...guiding you. Like an arrow for a be aimed for purpose. You have PURPOSE!

You FEEL useless or ineffective, but it's not about what you feel, but HIS purposes. His ways are higher than your ways, His purposes different than yours.

Do the best where you are at. He will honor you and give you the strength to persevere.

He wants to use you to restore, to bring Light and to show others His way by letting Him love others through you.

So do not allow the enemy to drag you down saying you're worthless, you're useless, you're not getting anywhere, do not compare your situation to the world's standards, or statuses, don't listen to the media or multimedia...

God says differently. Trust what HE says, program THAT into your mind, soul AND emotions... For it is your emotions that will talk you out of it, so YOU talk back to them.

Be Blessed. You're awesome! So go be AWESOME for God today...wherever you're at in life!

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