As emotional human beings, at times, in a self-centered outburst, we spout the phrase, "NEVER!"
We say never this, never that, or never again...!!!
The fact is, nothing is new in this world, much of history has repeated itself and even in your own life, I'm sure if you look closely enough, you've gone around some of the same "mountains" once or twice in your life.
Either you were blind to the fact that you were doing it until you were halfway around it, you were oblivious to the red flags because you wanted the "prize" OR you were just in blatant denial and thus found yourself repeating that same mistake or making that same ineffective decision yet again...
It's human nature. Only God is perfect.
Only God can say never.
When YOU say never you limit God and what He can do in and through you in your life here on earth - during this time. Your words, spoken over YOUR life can block Him.
Key message: Don't be so rigid that you find yourself wanting to use the word never. You're a fallible human, who in your weakness is made strong in Christ, your imperfections, evident on earth, are filtered out as unseen by God because he views YOU through Christ's sacrifice. You are made perfect because of Christ's performance.
So the next time you are:
It gives you more quality of life because you refuse to give the enemy a foothold in your life through resentment, bitterness, pride, anger, hostility, etc and you allow yourself the freedom of redemption in Christ and CONTINE to let his love flow through you... instead of putting STOP ORDER on it by saying NEVER.
Try using the word always... It's much more freeing...
Jesus was the first to say it... Before He even knew if you would accept or reject Him. Follow his example today... Keep giving. Keep loving. Keep trying. Stay humbled. We are entitled to nothing. Yet Jesus gave His all. Who are we to give any less...
God is good. All the time!
We say never this, never that, or never again...!!!
The fact is, nothing is new in this world, much of history has repeated itself and even in your own life, I'm sure if you look closely enough, you've gone around some of the same "mountains" once or twice in your life.
Either you were blind to the fact that you were doing it until you were halfway around it, you were oblivious to the red flags because you wanted the "prize" OR you were just in blatant denial and thus found yourself repeating that same mistake or making that same ineffective decision yet again...
It's human nature. Only God is perfect.
Only God can say never.
When YOU say never you limit God and what He can do in and through you in your life here on earth - during this time. Your words, spoken over YOUR life can block Him.
- You have a purpose.
- You are significant.
- You bring something to the table that someone needs.
- You are relevant and you were meant for THIS time.
- Don't withhold that from someone else.
- God put it in you for His enjoyment... but also for someone else.
- Why would you selfishly hold onto a gift meant to be enjoyed by another?
- What you give will be given back to you - that is the balance of life.
Key message: Don't be so rigid that you find yourself wanting to use the word never. You're a fallible human, who in your weakness is made strong in Christ, your imperfections, evident on earth, are filtered out as unseen by God because he views YOU through Christ's sacrifice. You are made perfect because of Christ's performance.
So the next time you are:
- rejected
- fail
- someone hurts you
- look stupid
- humiliated
- embarrassed
- insufficient
It gives you more quality of life because you refuse to give the enemy a foothold in your life through resentment, bitterness, pride, anger, hostility, etc and you allow yourself the freedom of redemption in Christ and CONTINE to let his love flow through you... instead of putting STOP ORDER on it by saying NEVER.
Try using the word always... It's much more freeing...
Jesus was the first to say it... Before He even knew if you would accept or reject Him. Follow his example today... Keep giving. Keep loving. Keep trying. Stay humbled. We are entitled to nothing. Yet Jesus gave His all. Who are we to give any less...
God is good. All the time!
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