Sunday, January 15, 2012

God is Good - All the Time

If something is stealing your joy, you're too close to the situation.

Step back and get some God perspective.

What is He trying to do in this situation and who might He be trying to mold through this situation?
  • Are you being molded or chafed by someone?
  • Are you supposed to rise above and be an example of God's love to someone else?
  • Is God trying to redirect you?
  • Is God trying to show you a life truth and get you to get some perspective on something you have ruled out?
  • Do you have a compartmented area of your life that you've blocked God from?
  • Are you too busy?
  • Are you listening?
  • Are you willing?
  • Really?
Let's say you are. Maybe it's not about you at all, but someone else, stand firm, persevere, press in...

Ask God to show you what He has for you in this situation. God wastes no experience. Nothing takes God by surprise. He uses everything. There is no such thing as coincidence.

Worship while you're waiting... This too shall pass.

God is good all the time!

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