Monday, January 31, 2011

It Doesn't Really Matter What You Think?

God is still God whether you believe in Him or not.
~Pastor David Crank

Just as whether you believe in the law of gravity or not, it is still present & active in your life.

Whether or not you know what the speed limit is, that police officer that just pulled you over is going to give you a speeding ticket.

Choosing not to believe or choosing ignorance of something, doesn't reduce it's presence or activity or consequences in your life.

Some people, in rebellion or anger, choose not to claim their parents and in that to reduce the parents' influence in their life.

The fact is, your parents are your parents whether you claim them or not. And no matter how far you distance yourself from them, they will ALWAYS have influence in your life.

God is present. Why not try to get to know Him and what He's all about?

And if you're listening to others, I would recommend you get His book (the bible) and read up. Others are not always so informed. Find out for yourself. It IS YOUR relationship after all.

If you have bad experiences with understanding what the bible says or understanding the words or language used... Try the following bible. 

It's the New LIving Translation, it's called the New Believer's Bible, it is inexpensive at Amazon, can be found a Walmart or Barnes & Noble. I'm not sure where it can be found outside of the U.S.

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