Friday, October 9, 2009

Feminine Companionship

There is something that women have to offer one another that they can't get from any other source.  It is a shared empathy, compassion, understanding...  We get strength from one another, our souls are rejuvenated and refueled.  We may do simple things like nails or hair, but that is our way of soothing our soul as we embrace our beauty and our need to reconnect with our femininity

I go to a women's bible study that helps me so much.  I don't realize how often I tell myself that I don't really need regular contact with other women, until I have it...  Then it hits home.  It's needed.

Being understood and to have someone relate to you, is an important thing to have in life.  And often it is your own sex that can provide that best.  Men have an important role to play and women have an important role to play.  Women are nurturers (and are intended to be such).  It makes sense that they would be best understood and rejuvenated by like-minded souls.  However, even among us "nurturers" we are very diverse.

The group I go to is so cool.  We are all so different in looks, in personality, in what we do for a living (go to a job or work out of the home as CEO of household aka kids), in age, in education levels, in income levels, in our walks with God, in how we relate to or how God relates to us.  We all bring something different to the table that is valuable and I look forward to it every time.  And yet in our differences, we have so much in common, we can relate to one another and that in itself is so healing...  to know that someone else out there has similar struggles. :)

So I want to encourage women to seek one another out. 

We are on the same team.  Satan has us in competitive mode with men in the workplace competing for jobs and he has us believing we are in competitive mode with other women for the available men in the world.  We need to stop believing those lies.  We are on the same side and we need to help one another.

Like I said in my last blog, there is strength in agreement...we as women need to agree...have strength in numbers...because this IS war.  Spiritual warfare...divided we will fall.  We need to fight together.  We need to lean on one another and use accountability and truth to fight Satan's tactics.  We ARE vulnerable, sensitive and full of emotion, this is true (unless you have a fortress of walls up).  That is why Satan hits us up first.  Eve was the first to fall.  Let's take back what's been stolen from us...  Let's break the cycle.  Let's give Satan nothing to work with!!!!  Yeah!!!!!!!

So about that slumber party...  I may be 37, but I still am a little girl on the inside...and I'm all about "girl" time!!!!

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