Thursday, December 20, 2012

Introducing Jesus: Where Do I Fit In?

So today's MUFHH (My Utmost For His Highest) devotional was PHENOMENAL for me. It would be for December 20 at .

For some reason it hit home how getting people saved is not my burden, but his (Gods). I grew up Baptist. Hellfire and brimstone. Get saved, then NOT be told how to live, how to adapt, how personal it was, and it was all rules, with no understanding of the rules... not rules for punishment but for protection, not rules to be mean but to show how imperfect we are and our need for him.

I didn't understand where I fit in to this picture.

I grew up watching people become missionaries or go to seminary or bible school, watched them go on mission trips, or door to door handing out tracts. I was told about telling people about Jesus but it freaked me out, how do I do that without sounding like a zealot? I didn't understand where I fit in to all of that. What was MY call? What was I do to? How could I "do" for God? I didn't fit into the textbook roles.

All in all it eventually pushed me away in my late teens and early 20's. Oh God never left my heart, but my living was out of control. Seeking, searching, fulfilling, in whatever way I deemed in the moment.

This devotional today shares in the most simplest form I've ever heard for sharing Jesus. Here's what came to  my mind after reading it, it's basically a hypothetical conversation between me and someone who doesn't know Jesus:

"You need Jesus, but I'm not here to win you over to him. You see, everyone has an empty spot in them that needs filling. We all try to fill it with people, with physical gratification, with ambition, money, prestige, cars, houses, stuff, accomplishments, we try to earn, move up the totem pole of success, we try and try and try and often fall on our face and wonder why.

But the fact is that the hole in us can only be filled by the one who created it. So no matter what you do, you may find temporary satisfaction, but it won't last. The only thing that will give you true lasting satisfaction and fulfillment is a relationship with your creator. He's a gentleman, he won't force his way in. You have to ask him. He can't give you what you don't ask for.

So if you're going to turn away and scoff, well, that's on you, you're missing out. You will never know God until you turn to him and ask him to show himself to you. But if you want him, he's there for the taking. If you even turn towards him, he will start making himself known to you. But you have to want it. YOU have to seek it. You have to ask for it.

Until you do, you won't see him or know him. He'll keep himself behind a veil just beyond your sight. So you can scoff and question and be sarcastic and cynical all you want, but if you ever decide you want to know God and what he's all about, if you REALLY want to know, just ask. He'll start to show you."

Wow. That's as basic as it gets. It's not about me saying "You need Jesus" and someone getting all offended and smart alecky and then me having to defend God with all of the fantastic numbers of scripture I have memorized.... It's about me making an intro and then loving them. Me making an intro and then letting the Spirit do His thing. I love them where they are at and put the ball in God's court (which to be honest, God ALWAYS has the ball, we just THINK we have it at times. ;)

A guy walked by my desk here at work and saw a bible website on my screen and started calling me "one of those crazies". He said "You know, more and more people AREN'T believing in God and at the end, there's just going to be a small group of you crazies...." (I was thinking, gee if you only knew how accurate that statement is. But not in the way that you think.) Now you have to understand that he is the type to argue about ANYTHING. We had a BRIEF discussion, but I found myself in offense (for God) and wishing so bad that I could argue God's case. But in this devotional, it reminds us that God doesn't need us to CONVINCE anyone, we don't have to defend him. He his OUR defender. We need to introduce him to others (and preferably have our loving actions likewise backup the intro) and if people don't want him, that's on them. It is not our burden to convince.

God created the hole. God creates the desire. Some fight it, some give in. He waits for those who want him. If we love everyone, then those who come around to wanting him, can more easily can see him through us. But it is not our responsibility to woo over every lost soul. That is actually God's burden. Our challenge is to NOT to get in his way and NOT be someone's stumbling block and to JOIN him in his work. :) I just found this so freeing, so thought-provoking, so awesome today.

Be Blessed!

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