Thursday, September 13, 2012

Critical Control - You're NOT God. Quit it!!!

A blog you won’t like because it’s critical.

Why is it so often that we as women want to fix things.

We either want to help someone improve or sometimes we just think we have it together and because of that, are "obligated" to fix everyone else which usually comes out sounding a lot like criticism.

God showed me the criticism in me. I was so ashamed.

I asked him how I could possibly ever be in another relationship and entrusted with the treasure of a man’s heart? Why bother if after the warm fuzzy wears off, I begin to start trying to fix him, always having an opinion about how things are done and generally coming off as sounding untrusting, discontent, and critical? How can I be trusted with marriage let alone a relationship?

So I ask God, “Why am I so critical, why are we as women so critical? Why do we believe the lie that criticism fixes ANYTHING?"

He said, “Because since the beginning, you’ve had free will and since sin was chosen, you’ve wanted my power, to be like me, to be a god.”

God has a bigger picture and bigger purposes going on than the nitpicking couples do in relationships.

God is not limited by time, WE are focused on time and we don’t think He works FAST enough. So we want to take control to fix things.
When I am controlling, I am not trusting and when I am not trusting Him, I am not in relationship because in relationship there is trust.

We are called to love the people right in front of us, for who they are, right where they are.

We are to let God love them through us.

We get impatient and we want to fix them up the way we think they should be.

It comes out as criticism. It tears down. The enemy wants to steal kill and destroy.

God just wants us to let Him love them through us.

Then He can use us and other situations around that person to slowly mold them into a reflection of Himself.

Only the Creator can do that, we can’t.

We are not to get in His way. Not to block him. And when we are critical, controlling, not trusting Him or trying to do it our way, we are not being that flexible, pliable mold that He needs to use to draw others to Himself.

The world can’t see Him. He needs us to reflect Him so that the world can see Him in us.

If someone feels unloved and we let Him love them, through us, they then come to know God.

Our "Fix":

We as women like to fix people. God showed me that the way WE fix things is similar to boarding up a broken window.
  • it’s still a window
  • there’s an opening there
  • now it has a board over it
  • but the weather is no longer getting in
  • so it’s fixed right?

God's Fix:

  • remove remnants of the previous window
  • prep the window opening to the perfect fit
  • new double-paned, 50 year warranty, multi-functional
  • beautifully handcrafted window to perfectly fit that space
  • it would be beautiful and functional
  • with extras
  • LONG lasting
  • it would reflect him
  • it would allow His light to shine through it

When WE try to fix people, we screw it up. When God fixes, it’s a masterpiece.

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