Saturday, February 11, 2012

How To Walk With God

Try Some Of The Following:

- Consciously make Him a part of your day. Acknowledge Him in all that you do.

- Surrender your activities, decisions, your will, to Him (want what He wants)

- Talk to Him (it can be an ongoing mental conversation all day long)

- Read His Word several times a day - even just a few verses - and see what He brings to mind.

- Hear teachers (pastors) talk about the Word.

- Listen to praise and worship - even sing it yourself (you are basically singing the Word of God - and the bible says you are to speak it - faith comes through hearing - increase your faith by speaking or singing it)

- Speak the word of God out of your own mouth

- Talk about God to a friend - God says where 2-3 come together there I am also.

- Memorize one bible verse at a time, one a week, one a month, whatever, just get started.

Your life becomes what you fill it with.

You may not be able to control all of your programming, such as your work environment, but make God a part of that! Pray for what you see and hear around you. This applies everywhere.

God is not about having a checklist or being obligated.

If you're not used to incorporating Him into your life, you might need to work at it a bit at first until talking to Him is like calling up your best friend and it comes naturally. It's an active relationship that doesn't happen if you don't initiate and involve Him.

 Be Blessed!

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