Tuesday, December 27, 2011

300 miles an hour

If you're female, you may have heard someone say, or have said yourself, "I go 300 miles an hour and never stop!" It's go, go, go. The excuse is ambition, but really it's pride.

In the past 3 months and especially the past two weeks, God has been giving me a lot of revelations about myself, others, being in relationship with Him and it has been eye-opening.

It's out of my comfort zone, but it's also so freeing! To be told to be the woman that God programmed me to be...to be MYSELF because it's ok and it is wanted...

(Click Below To Read More...)

Isn't that the whole reason we put up walls in the first place? To protect? We learn it as little girls. The first rejection when we show our true goofy little selves, so hungry for approval and acceptance...that is when we decide that part of us is not ok and we close it off for protecting. And we start shaping ourselves into who we want others to see - the parts of us that are accepted.

This goes on through our teens, through relationships, dealing with employers and co-workers, other christians and non-christians...men AND women...to include kids...

I had someone tell me the other day that they "live" their life as if they are lying in the bottom of a life raft and they lie very still and as long as they do that, all will be well with their world. They won't get hurt, risk rejection, have to commit to decisions and the ramifications of the decisions, etc.


How many people do that in their life?

You see, isolating to "protect" is also not living. Because by not having to risk dealing with pain, you also never get the fantastic rewards of a life fully lived.

God has so much more for you. That is the enemy at work deceiving you to listen to society and life experience instead of Him and what He has for you.

God has shown me how by abiding in Him, not only do I no longer feel the pressure to go 100mph, because the burden of performance is no longer on me, but on Him... but I am also more free to be the woman He created me to be.

This is a day by day, minute by minute walk with Him - surrendering - me running ahead, Him reeling me back in...but I am WILLING! Now that I know.

I'm not resistant. (I have been in times past)

I want what He wants. I want to be more consistent with this because with God's grace my quality of life, peace, joy, ability to live ABOVE circumstances and what life throws is improved tenfold. That is His gift to me.

It also postions me to be in closer relationship with Him, more receptive to Him and His leading and it makes me more flexible and responsive to how I can join Him in His work and what He is doing around me.

God is always at work around you - whether you can see it or not.

He's right there waiting. Just ask. He'll show you... If you really want to see it and are truly seeking Him and His Truth. It's not easy, but it is so REWARDING!!!!!

God will never let you down. He has never led someone to do something or asked someone to step out and not taken care of them. God is faithful, all-knowing, trustworthy and He loves you.

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